Language focus:

- questions: What’s your favourite...?Do you like...?,

- short answers: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

- asking and talking about favourite fruit.

- present simple tense


Materials: photocopies of the worksheet (one for each child)


1. Pre-teach or revise fruit  using flashcards.

2. Ask each children questions:

What’s your favourite fruit? and What’s your favourite fruits’s color?


3. Hand the worksheets out one for each child.


4. The children ask five of their classmates questions: Do you like...? and complete the form.


5. At the end some children tell the classmates about results of their survey.

Teaching tips:

- Children can prepare their own forms.

- Children who finish the activity earlier can ask questions to some other children or prepare a bar chart ‘Our favourite fruit .’

- For children who finish the task earlier or as a homework, you can copy fruit worksheets