About us

This” Pre-school PDP " electronic platform embodies the programs were based on the results of scientific research work. The fact that the materials placed on the platform have a scientific basis, exactly professional competence of teachers of the same educational organizations as well as the fact that it is aimed at increasing the it has scientific and practical significance with its non-existence. Foreign on the basis of a program developed with experience materials are also not only the language of English teachers it is aimed at increasing the competence, but also preschool in order to take into account the peculiarities of their organization also enriched with necessary materials and recommendations. This ” Pre-schoolPDP " platform is easy to use in applications possibility of using placed and contained materials it is distinguished by width.
The platform has completed the work of the utuclarn technologist mugassamlashtirganligi bilan ajralib turadi. Yana bir katta the possibility of shuki, higher education of boshka juhayich diploma of eg and IELTS or CEFR smell B2 darajaga ega bulgan teacher kadrlar both shu platforma skills and abilities incorrectly trained schoolboy organized English is a quality business that can be carried out. Psychologist it is necessary to comply with special requirements for the material and foidali crossatmalar bilan provided both times of tejashgi assistant.


Jumabayeva Jamila Sharipovna

Project manager

Mamatova Dilnoza Bekpo'latovna

Senior research fellow

Madiyorova Valida Quvondiq qizi

Junior Research Fellow

Bekmurodova Firuzabonu Normurodovna

Junior Research Fellow


+998 98 988 98 89




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